
An enormous thank you to all of these wonderful, wonderful people! To Adam's Web Bitz, Colour Dreams and Celeste  for the brushes used for the main graphic, to Haruka for the screensnaps, to the Comics Continuum and X-Fan for the news and also, of course, to all my visitors. Not to make me sound like I'm accepting an Oscar or anything but also thanks to you guys and to all those who have entered competitions here, voted in the polls, e-mailed me or contributed with fanfics etc.!!! :)  <3  



Not mine! Nope, surprisingly enough I don't own X-Men: Evolution or any of the characters mentioned in this site, in fact I own very little of what's here except I lay claim to the boring lumps of text that (such as this one!;)) and the main layout images etc. The X-Men and the whole idea, including X:Ev belong to Marvel and I am in awe by their greatness, other things that don't belong to me are mentioned above and/or on the page of the site I used them on. Okay, I'm going to stop typing now . . .